Club News

16/03/24 - Price & Time Changes at WSC - April '24 onwards

Please note: April 2024 will see changes to our clubs prices and swim start times.

Price changes from 1st April:

Swim Time Change

We are moving to a new swim start time from Friday 12th April onwards. Our swim will move from 8:15pm until 10pm, to our new times of 7:30pm until 9:30pm.

These changes are as a result of price increases from the leisure centre provider and to accommodate our swim due to the leisure centre now closing earlier. Thank you to MonLife for continuing to support our swimming club.
08/03/24 - WSC Latest News

We've received a lot of media interest in the club's situation and thanks to all who have reached out to us. We are currently in positive discussions with Monlife and our members over our swims timeslot and we'll hopefully be able to share some good news with you all soon.
08/05/23 - WSC Goes Cashless

Following a successful extended trial period with our card machine at the leisure centre, we have decided to go cashless. This means we will no longer accept cash as payment for swim sessions or membership fees.

Handling cash was becoming an issue for the club, less people were paying with cash and also means less burden on our volunteers having to bank the money.

07/03/23 - Paying for your swim at Western Swim Club

We now take card payments at the door. We accept debit cards and credit cards so you can pay for your swim. This is the preferred means of payment going forward.

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